HL Paper 3
Explain how one multi-governmental organization has led to a loss of sovereignty.
Discuss the interrelationships between global interactions and changes in technology.
Using examples, explain how financial flows transfer wealth between places.
“Glocalization is the most important reason why some transnational corporations (TNCs) have grown in size and influence over time.” Discuss this statement.
Analyse the increasing influence of one multi-governmental organization you have studied.
“Global interactions bring negative effects, rather than positive effects, to every part of the world.” Discuss this statement.
Using examples, explain the relationship between transport innovation and reduced friction of distance.
“Every country will eventually lose its distinctive national identity as a result of global interactions.” Discuss this statement.
Explain the causes and consequences of the international relocation of polluting industries and/or waste disposal.
“All societies, wherever they are, enjoy the benefits of a shrinking world.” Discuss this statement.
Explain how the actions of world trading organizations and financial institutions (such as the International Monetary Fund) influence global financial flows.
Discuss the economic and environmental consequences of more people choosing to buy locally produced food and goods rather than globalized products.
Analyse the relationship between globalization and the resurgence of nationalism in one country you have studied.
“Global interactions have made the world a richer place but not a fairer place.” Discuss this statement.
Explain how global core areas (hubs) can be distinguished from peripheral areas.
Examine the geographical consequences of international outsourcing.
Using examples, distinguish between local adoption and local adaptation of globalized cultural traits.
“International migration is the main cause of local opposition to global interactions.” Discuss this statement.
Using examples, analyse the role of global interactions in the growth of environmental awareness.
Discuss the reasons for the global diffusion of consumer culture.
Using examples, analyse the concept of “loss of sovereignty”.
Examine how economic, technological and political factors may all influence the growth of global diaspora populations.
Using examples, analyse how global financial flows can be affected by the actions of governments.
Discuss why anti-globalization movements/groups are found in most countries.
Using examples, distinguish between transboundary pollution and transnational waste movement.
“Due to global interactions, there is no longer a global periphery.” Discuss this statement.
Using examples, explain the factors responsible for the global spread of consumer culture.
“National governments cannot control global interactions.” Discuss this statement.
Analyse recent growth trends in the use of ICT for one or more countries or regions you have studied.
Examine the changing global pattern of sociocultural interactions, referring to core regions and peripheral areas.
Using examples, analyse the benefits of globalized production for local societies.
To what extent is environmental sustainability incompatible with the growth of globalization?
Using located examples, analyse the importance of outsourcing for transnational corporations (TNCs).
“International migration is the main reason for the loss of distinctive local cultures.” Discuss this statement.
Using examples, analyse how foreign direct investment and glocalization are used by transnational corporations (TNCs) to help their expansion.
Examine the relationship between a country’s gross national income (GNI) and its level of participation in globalization.
Explain the causes and effects of one major international labour flow.
“The growth of globalization owes more to politics than it does to technology.” Discuss this statement.
Explain how and why one network (transport, internet, or communication) has grown over time.
Examine the relative importance of the different financial flows that connect global core areas with peripheral areas.
Using examples, analyse the reasons why some places have become international outsourcing hubs.
Examine the challenges that increased global adoption of information and communications technology (ICT) brings to different places.
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of one named globalization index.
“Individuals, national governments and international organizations are increasingly resistant to global interactions.” Discuss this statement.
Using one or more examples, analyse the geographic challenges associated with transboundary pollution.
Examine how disparities between countries give rise to different global flows.
Explain how global interaction may be measured.
Examine the effects of the development of communications upon international interactions.
Using examples, analyse how economic and political factors affect global migration flows.
“The interdependence of countries has been greatly exaggerated.” Using examples, discuss this statement.
Explain the role of ICT in the growth of international outsourcing.
“Environmental degradation is the inevitable outcome of global economic interactions.” Discuss this statement.
Explain how rising global demand for one raw material has led to environmental degradation.
“The barriers to global interactions are increasing, not decreasing.” Discuss this statement.
Explain why the landscapes of major world cities are becoming increasingly similar.
“Global interactions are putting all the world’s wealth into the hands of a small number of people and countries.” Discuss this statement.
Explain why it might be hard to observe and measure some types of global interaction.
“Global interactions have brought only negative impacts to human landscapes and physical environments everywhere.” Discuss this statement.